Visa E2 USA - Morales Asencio
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Visa E2 USA

    Visa E2 USA. Requirements – Treaty Investor request

    • Country with which the United States maintains a treaty of commerce and navigation to be admitted to the United States when investing a substantial amount of capital in a U.S. business. Certain employees of such a person or of a qualifying organization may also be eligible for this classification.

    •  Requisite treaty exists.
    • Individual and/or business possess the nationality of the treaty country.
    • Applicant has invested or is actively in the process of investing.
    • Enterprise is a real and operating commercial enterprise.
    • Nationals of the treaty country must own at least 50 percent of the business in question.
    • Applicant’s investment is substantial. There is no specific cash threshold defined. However, cases with an investment lower than $100,000 need to be very strong to support it. In cases of Real estate investors, it is advisable to invest in at least 6 real estate properties.
    • Investment must be made from investor’s personal funds (savings, gift, inheritance, contest, etc.).
    • Investment is more than a marginal one solely for earning a living;

    For more information you can download the US Department of State Foreign Affairs Manual Volume 9 or to confirm an appointment in our office HERE.