Patents and Trademarks - Morales Asencio
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Patents and Trademarks

    Are you really aware of your business’ INTANGIBLE ASSETS? If so, do you really know HOW TO PROTECT THEM? If you join us, after the speech, you will be able to know:

    • How to protect intellectual creations applied to your business.
    • How to create one or more trademarks and also increase their value trhough your business activity.
    • How to protect your business from ‘undesirable’ competitors and unfair practices.

    Dear friends, we are pleasant to invite you to the next event about:

    Different Ways to Protect your Commercial Activity in Spain

    Register now. We will talk about patents and trademarks and we will share some helpful legal tips to improve your entrepreneurship.Join us to this event about patents and trademarks on thursday, October 22st, from 20.30h, at Kikekeller, This time Alvaro Santos (IP Lawyer) will join us and he’ll share with us his insight on the topics.

    Remember that we will have the perfect atmosphere to expand our networking and our conference will be develop in English and Spanish according to audience. You can register HERE.

    Looking forward to seeing you!