Guide to get a work permit in Spain - Morales Asencio
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Permiso de trabajo en España

Guide to get a work permit in Spain


    Dear all, Morales Asencio lawyer office is a law office dedicated to the management of immigration processes in Spain and abroad. We help companies to obtain in optimal time works visas and employee relocation. This is an invitation to a FREE TALK addressed to office managers, HR managers, compensation and benefits managers and interested in hiring foreign workers. The talk will be given by Maciel Morales, corporate and immigration lawyer. This time we will discuss about the process of applying for a work permit in Spain if you are in Spain or abroad. We will focus on the transfers within the company and the permanent relocation to Spain.

    This free chat is for you, if:

    • You work in HR department and you have power of decision
    • You are the office manager and you are interested in hiring foreign personnel
    • You need legal advice in order to get work permit for non-European employee
    • You need mobility service for foreign personnel

    After the talk you will understand:

    1. Different ways to get work permit in Spain for your employees
    2. Important information about new immigration law in Spain
    3. How temporary relocation works within the EU
    Please sign up at Eventbrite link: We will send you access information to the free webinar.