Your visa consultancy for the Dominican Republic | Morales Asencio
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Your visa consultancy for
the Dominican Republic

Visa to the Dominican Republic

Take the test and verify the guarantee of obtaining your visa

If you don’t succeed, we’ll refund your money

Business visas.

Get all the legal support needed for working with branches in Canada, meetings or job interviews, employee prospecting, etc.

Study visas.

Ensure that you can continue your studies abroad with peace of mind and without complications with visa processing.

Tourist visas.

Visit your friends and family with everything prepared from Spain. We solve all your problems with visas and passports, tourist excursions, etc.

Check if you can have your 100% guarantee.

    Indica tu país de origen

    Marca las casillas que se correspondan con tu situación:

    No me han denegado nunca un visado a ese país.No tengo antecedentes penales.Actualmente estudio o trabajo.Tengo ahorros suficientes para sustentarme durante todo el viaje.Soy ciudadano, residente o tengo un visado en vigor en el país desde el que solicito el visado.

    Comprobar mi evaluación de la garantía.

    ¡El visado está garantizado!

    Si no logramos el visado, no cobraremos nuestros honorarios para volver a presentar la subsanación. Consulta con nosotros las condiciones de la garantía.

    No podemos garantizar el visado

    Tu caso entraña una dificultad especial y deberías contratar una consulta.


    Solicita presupuesto sin compromiso





    País de destino

    Estados UnidosReino UnidoCanadá

    Tipo de visado

    TurismoEstudiosTrabajo / NegociosVisita Enfermo


    He leído y acepto el Aviso Legal y la Política de Privacidad

    Información sobre Protección de datos:

    • Responsable: Morales Asencio SL
    • Fin del tratamiento: Atender tu consulta, peticiones, sugerencias planteadas, prestación de servicios, comunicaciones comerciales relacionadas con nuestros servicios.
    • Legitimación: Tu consentimiento.
    • Comunicación de los datos: No se comunicarán los datos a terceros.
    • Derechos: Acceso, rectificación, portabilidad y olvido.
    • Contacto: g r


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    • Información adicional: más información de la Política de privacidad.

    Visas to the Dominican Republic

    As the second largest island in the Caribbean, the Dominican Republic is a very interesting destination to travel to, whether for tourism, work, study, or to live there.

    Whatever the reason for your trip to this wonderful island, you will need a visa. This visa will allow you to stay in the country for a certain period of time, and it will be different depending on the reason for your trip. We advise you and manage the application for your visas to the Dominican Republic.

    As we mentioned before, the purpose of the trip will determine the type of visa you should apply for. You can apply for the following visas:

    Student visa

    This type of visa is issued for those who want to study on this Caribbean island. If you are interested in learning at the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo or at another center in the Dominican Republic, this is your visa.

    To obtain it, it is necessary to demonstrate student status and admission to the educational institution where you have been admitted. The necessary documentation to obtain this visa is as follows:

    • Visa form.
    • Letter of request. The student’s name and nationality must be included. The applicant or his/her legal representative must send it to the embassy.
    • Passport-size photograph.
    • Proof from the University or Study Center: this document proves the admission to the study center. It must state the following: the level of studies to be carried out, the center, the institution and the duration of the studies.
    • If available, the scholarship document: the amount of the scholarship and its expected duration are clearly stated on this paper. It must be certified by the institution where the studies will be given.
    • Medical certificate: issued by the country of origin by the pertinent authorities, it presents a diagnosis of the student’s health.
    • Certificate of no criminal record: excluding minors. It must be issued by the relevant authorities of the country of origin.
    • In case the interested party is a minor, parental or legal guardian’s authorization.
    • Photocopy of ID card and residence card.
    • Proof of financial solvency.
    • If any, present previous Dominican visas.

    The student visa can be renewed every year.

    Business Visa

    For those who need to travel on business, either for commercial or professional needs, they must apply for a visa. Depending on the frequency with which we want to conduct business we can apply for two different business visas.

    In the case of infrequent travel, the visa obtained will be valid for a period of 60 days, which can be renewed within this period. If you travel frequently, you can request a business visa with multiple entries, which will be valid for a period of one year and will not allow you to stay in the island for more than two months at a time. The necessary visa requirements are:

    • Visa Form.
    • Visa application letter. It must state the name of the interested party, nationality, current residence, economic solvency, professional activity and the reason for which he/she has to travel to the Dominican Republic.
    • Labor certificate. You must put the date of entry to the company, salary and position in the company.
    • Submit a passport-size photograph.
    • Original passport.
    • Immigration status.
    • Travel history.
    • Certificate of no criminal record. It must be issued by the relevant authorities in the country of origin.

    Business visa for employment purposes or work visa

    For those who have signed an employment contract with a company in the Dominican Republic. It is different from the previous one because, in this one, the interested party must stay for a certain period of time consecutively. The visa can be renewed for the duration of the contract. We are going to list the necessary requirements to obtain the visa:

    • Complete visa form.
    • Visa application letter. You must provide your name, nationality, current residence and the activity you will perform in the company where you have been hired. It must be addressed to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
    • Work proposal. You must put the position you will occupy in the company and the salary.
    • Certificate from the Ministry of Labor. The company in which the interested party is going to work must be registered in the Integrated Labor Records System.
    • Medical certificate: presents a diagnosis of the applicant’s health, issued by the country of origin by the relevant authorities.
    • Birth certificate.
    • Certificado de no antecedentes penales. It must be issued by the appropriate authorities of the country of origin.
    • Submit original passport.
    • Provide a passport size photo.
    • Photocopy of ID card and residence card.
    • Submit travel history.
    • If you have traveled to the country before, certificate from the Dirección General de Migración.

    Diplomatic, official and courtesy visas

    Obtaining these visas depends on the individual’s situation:

    • The diplomatic ones are for members and family members of diplomatic and consular missions.
    • The official ones are for officials of international or governmental organizations.
    • Courtesy passports are for diplomatic or government officials and their family members, in normal passports. They are also given to important people and their relatives.

    The requirements are as follows:

    • Fill out visa form.
    • Submit a passport-size photo.
    • Carry your original passport.
    • Note verbale or diplomatic note. This document must indicate the diplomatic or consular mission or international organization. The applicant’s name, nationality, reason for travel, passport number and diplomatic post must also be indicated.

    Dependency Visa

    This type of visa is intended for those people who are dependent on the interested parties who have obtained the previous visas explained above. It may vary depending on the visa obtained by the person on whom they depend. The following requirements are necessary to obtain it:

    • Complete the visa form.
    • Provide a passport-size photograph.
    • Provide original passport.
    • Medical certificate: it has to be issued by the relevant authorities of the country of origin, to show a diagnosis of the applicant’s health.
    • Marriage or birth certificate of the person interested in this visa, depending on who is applying.
    • Certificado de no antecedentes penales. Issued by the appropriate authorities in the country of origin.
    • Photocopy of ID card and residence card.
    • Previous Dominican visas, in case you have traveled to the country before.
    • Economic solvency.
    • In case of minors, the authorization of the parents or legal guardian is required.
    • Copy of the Dominican visa or residence card and passport of the person on whom you are dependent.

    Resident Visa

    People who want to live indefinitely on the island must meet a certain condition in order to obtain this visa:

    • Be a pensioner, annuitant or retiree.
    • To be an investor.
    • Have a relationship of kinship or dependency with someone who is a resident there.

    There are a series of requirements that depend on each of these three cases. If you are curious, please contact us and our team of professionals will try to answer all your questions.

    Tourist Visa

    For those people who want to visit the country for tourism and get to know the island, culture and people. It is valid for a period of 60 days and no remunerative action can be taken. It also needs a series of requirements to be obtained and they are:

    • Complete the visa application letter.
    • Submit visa form.
    • Provide a passport-size photograph.
    • Give original passport.
    • Photocopy of ID card and residence card.
    • Previous Dominican visas, if you have traveled to the country previously.
    • Certificate of no criminal record. Granted by the relevant authorities in the country of origin.
    • In case of minor, authorization of the parents or legal guardian.
    • Copy of the flight reservation.
    • If we are staying in a hotel, a copy of the hotel reservation. If we are going to stay at a resident’s home, we must present a copy of the letter of invitation, which must include the general information about the resident.

    We manage your visas
    to the Dominican Republic

    Now that you know the requirements for each visa, you have nothing to worry about. We will advise you and take care of all the paperwork to obtain your visa. Contact us for any questions or doubts. We will make it easy for you to travel to the Dominican Republic.