Requirements to travel to Spain from Colombia 2023 | Morales Asencio
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Requirements to travel to Spain from Colombia 2023

    Can you imagine exploring the enchanting corners of Spain? Before you pack your bags, make sure you know the key requirements for a smooth journey. What do you need to live the Spanish experience to the fullest?

    Get ready for a new adventure! If you are planning to travel to the European country, it is crucial to know the requirements for travelling to Spain from Colombia in 2023. From legal aspects to health considerations, this article will be your essential guide to navigating the requirements and ensuring your trip goes as smoothly as possible. Discover the keys to a hassle-free experience and make the most of your stay in this fascinating destination.

    Requirements for travelling to Spain from Colombia

    • Have a valid passport:

    To travel to Spain from Colombia, it is essential to have a valid Colombian passport. This document must be valid for at least three months beyond the scheduled date of departure from Schengen territory. In addition, it is important that it has been issued within the last ten years before the intended date of entry.

    • Proof of return to the country of origin or a different destination:

    It is essential to have a document certifying your departure from the country. This document can be a return flight ticket to your home country, such as Colombia, or a ticket to another country outside the Schengen area.

    In case the country indicated on your departure ticket requires a visa for Colombian citizens, it is likely that you will be asked for evidence that you have the corresponding visa to enter that destination. Regardless of the purpose of your trip, this documentation is required as proof of your intention to leave the country.

    • Sufficient financial means:

    Foreign visitors shall be obliged, upon request, to prove that they have adequate financial resources to cover their stay.

    Proof of these financial means by foreign nationals shall be furnished by showing them physically if they are held in cash, or by producing certified cheques, travellers’ cheques, receipts or credit cards. It is essential that these documents are supported by the bank statement or an up-to-date bank book.

    • Have a health certificate:

    A health certificate proving that you are free of certain communicable diseases may be required. Stay informed about specific requirements and any changes in health policies. This medical certificate must be issued in the country of origin by the medical services designated by the Spanish Diplomatic Mission or Consular Office. In addition, on arrival at the border, travellers may be required to undergo a medical examination carried out by the competent health services in Spain. The purpose of this procedure is to prove that they do not suffer from any disease that could have serious public health implications.

    • Not be banned from entering the country:

    The entry of foreigners into Spanish territory may be prohibited, independently of complying with the aforementioned requirements, in situations such as:

    • In the case of having been previously expelled from Spain and being within the period of prohibition of entry specified in the expulsion order, except if the procedure has expired or if the offence or sanction is time-barred.
    • When they have been subject to a return measure and are within the prohibition period stipulated in the relevant return agreement.
    • If they are known, through diplomatic channels, Interpol or other means of international cooperation, to be wanted by judicial or police authorities of other countries for serious crimes, provided that these crimes also constitute a crime in Spain, without prejudice to their arrest if necessary.
    • In case of having been expressly forbidden entry by the head of the Ministry of the Interiordue to activities contrary to Spanish interests, human rights violations, notorious connections with criminal organisations at national or international level, or other judicial or administrative reasons justifying the adoption of this measure, without prejudice to their detention in the relevant cases.
    • If they are prohibited from entering in accordance with international conventions to which Spain is a party or in accordance with the provisions of Community law. If they are prohibited from entry in accordance with international conventions to which Spain is a party or in accordance with the provisions of Community law, unless an exception is deemed necessary on humanitarian grounds or for reasons of national interest.
    • Have the necessary documentation:

    In the process of planning your trip, you may be asked to submit a number of documents. One of the fundamental requirements in all cases is a return or tour ticket confirming your planned return.

    • Professional Travel:

    For those travelling for business purposes, alternatively, an invitation from a company or authority to participate in business meetings or documents proving business relations linked to the activity are required. Trade fair and congress access cards are also accepted as proof of the professional nature of the trip.

    • Tourist or Private Travel:

    If your trip has a tourist or private focus, you must alternatively present a document justifying the existence of a place of accommodation. This may be issued by the accommodation establishment or consist of a Letter of Invitation from a private individual. It is crucial that this document reflects the actual availability of accommodation for the foreigner. In addition, confirmation of the booking of an organised trip is accepted.

    • Travel for study or training purposes:

    In the case of travel for educational purposes, the presentation of enrolment or documentation proving admission to an educational institution is essential to support your trip.

    • Travel for Other Reasons:

    For those travelling for various reasons, invitations, reservations or programmes that support the purpose of the trip are alternatively accepted. In addition, certificates of participation in related events, entry cards or receipts confirming the nature of the visit are considered valid.

    Planning your trip to Spain involves not only packing your dreams, but also making sure you have the right documentation and meeting the requirements to make them come true. At Morales Asencio we can help you plan your trip with the security of expert advice. International experiences are exciting, but also entail great risks and challenges. Don’t let lack of information or preparation stop you from enjoying yourself to the full. Contact us today and let’s start making your travel dreams a smooth reality!