How to get a student work visa? | Morales Asencio
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How to get a student work visa?

    Have you ever wondered how to turn your years of study abroad into a well-rounded experience, including the possibility of working? We tell you the secrets to getting a student work visa and maximising your stay in a new country.

    In the dynamic global education scene, the possibility of studying abroad not only provides an enriching academic experience, but also opens the door to new career opportunities. For students who aspire to take their learning beyond the borders of their home country, obtaining a work visa becomes an essential aspect of their international journey.

    I have a student visa in Spain, can I work in the country?

    If you have ever wondered whether it is possible to work while studying in Spain, the answer is a resounding yes! From 16 August 2022, a key change in the regulations has opened the door to exciting possibilities for international students.

    The good news is that, on all student cards issued after this date, you will find the coveted ‘authorised to work’ stamp. This means that by simply holding a student residence card, you are able to work up to 30 hours per week, as long as this does not coincide with your class hours. Best of all, this authorisation is not limited to a specific location; you can work anywhere in Spain, broadening your work horizon and enriching your international experience.

    I have finished my studies in Spain, can I apply for a work permit?

    If you are in the final phase of your studies or have already completed that important stage, and now your desire is to build your working future in Spain, it is essential to consider the transition from your student visa to a work visa. In this process, we enter into what is known as a work permit modification, an opportunity that will allow you to continue to grow professionally in this fascinating country.

    The key to taking this significant step lies in successfully completing your training. This means not only having passed all the subjects, but also obtaining the certificate of achievement that backs up your dedication and academic success. This fundamental requirement paves the way for the change of immigration status and gives you the possibility to embark on a new phase in your professional life in Spain. In addition, there are other requirements:

    • Not be banned from entering the country and not be refused entry into the territorial space of countries with which Spain has signed an agreement for this purpose.
    • Not being within the period of commitment not to return to Spain.
    • Have paid the corresponding fees.
    • No criminal record in Spain and in their previous countries of residence for the last 5 years.
    • Proof of recruitment. It must comply with the conditions laid down in the regulations.
    • Possess the professional qualifications required for the exercise of the profession.
    • Demonstrate that the employer applying for the contract is registered with the Social Security system and complies with its tax obligations.
    • Proof that the employer has sufficient financial means for the recruitment.

    This change of status procedure must be carried out in accordance with a series of guidelines:

    • Who should apply? To apply for a work visa, you can apply directly through your employer or through a person or entity duly authorised to legally represent the company. You can consult the table of legitimate subjects for more information on who has the legal capacity to carry out this process.
    • Where do I apply? To apply for a work visa, you must go to the Foreigners’ Office in the province where you will be working. In the case of companies with multiple work centres in different provinces and with a workforce of more than 500 employees, the process is carried out in the Large Companies Unit of the Directorate General for Migration.

    For specific details on the address, telephone numbers and opening hours, we recommend that you consult the corresponding information on the official website of the Directorate General for Migration or contact the Aliens Office of the province in question directly.

    • Do I have to pay a fee? The answer is yes. Fees are generated at the time the application is accepted and must be paid within ten working days.

    I have no job offer, can I stay in Spain when I finish my studies?

    Since September 2018, an innovative residence permit known as ‘residence for jobseeking’ has been implemented. This visa opens up an additional 12-month period for students who have spent at least one year studying in Spain, allowing them to stay in the country to explore job opportunities or even start their own business project.

    The great advantage of this permit is that, once they find a job offer, they have the option of an automatic transition to a residence with work permit. This option is the perfect choice for students who have completed their studies but have not yet secured a job offer. By offering those extra months needed to search for and find the ideal job opportunity, the job search visa becomes a valuable bridge to a professional future in Spain.

    If you are thinking about new possibilities, starting your own business can be an exciting way to stay in Spain. Entrepreneurship Elvisado offers this opportunity without the restriction of a minimum time of residence in the country, which makes it an attractive option for those seeking flexibility and a different path.

    In this exciting journey towards new job opportunities in Spain, the choice of visa marks a crucial step in your future. Each option has its own unique advantages and possibilities, and making the right choice is essential.

    To ensure that you navigate smoothly through this process, we recommend that you rely on the support of professionals specialised in immigration and aliens. With our experience, we can guide you through the requirements, help you make informed decisions and provide you with the support you need to ensure success in your job search or entrepreneurship in Spain.

    You are not alone on this journey.Consult our experts today and take the safe step into a new phase full of job opportunities! Your future awaits you, and we are here to help you achieve it!